It is with pleasure and pride that we announce that on December 6, 2019, the first thesis within the LIFE Perdix project was discussed at the School of Veterinary Medicine of the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna.

The new Doctor Sofia Calistri obtained the highest marks cum laude in the Master’s Degree Course in Animal Biotechnology by presenting a thesis of Applied Molecular Biology with the title as an example: “Genetic characterization of historical partridge strains (Perdix perdix) for the purpose of reintroduction within the LIFE PERDIX project “.
The aim of the thesis was to carry out the genetic characterization of Perdix perdix specimens to assess their adequacy as potential reproducers for reintroduction in nature. The study dealt with the development of protocols for the analysis of mitochondrial DNA in the comparison between haplotypes identified within farms with historical haplotypes from museum samples, in addition to the analysis of a panel of microsatellite loci to evaluate variability genetics between bred and wild individuals of Italian and foreign origin. Finally, the last objective concerned the determination of the level of inbreeding between the subjects raised.

Dr. Calistri, to whom our heartfelt congratulations go, carried out a total of 550 hours of internship at the laboratories of the Conservation Genetics Area of ​​the Ozzano dell’Emilia (Bologna) headquarters of the Higher Institute for the Protection and environmental research (ISPRA), reaching this important milestone which gives our project great visibility.

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